21 January 2010

time out...

b had her first experience with time-out.
she did so good and didn't try to turn around or anything.
we've found that if we threaten her with putting her nose in the corner, she'll actually eat her dinner!
gotta love that these pants are on backwards.
she's becoming such a big girl!

1 comment:

  1. Love the backwards pants!! We've been trying to find a form of punishment/discipline for Jackobi [it seems so early to be doing that ... but I guess it's needed!!] We haven't tried this! Good idea! ALSO ... we got her kitchen from playkitchens.com -- they have TONS of super cute ones!! If you're thinking about getting Bri one, I ♥ the one we got Jackobi! It's super cute, well made and she loves it!! Nate's cousin got their little girl a different design from the same site and it's adorable as well. They gave me GREAT customer service too (which seems rare these days!!). Anyways, anytime I've ordered from there I've been able to find a 10% off coupon. If you can't find one let me know! The email me one every now and then! I can give you a code! :)


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