29 December 2009

the l&d story

**i really should be taking a nap while the girls are sleeping, but i'm blogging instead.
i needed to get caught up and some of you are feeling a little baby deprived, so i'm getting to those pictures, i promise!

for those of you interested in the details of l&d, here you go:

my doctor suggested that we go ahead and induce labor (since i live an hour away from the hospital and i went so quick with b we didn't want a baby being born between here and the hospital) so we scheduled for monday the 21st at 7:00am.

the mr. and i arrived at the hospital only to discover there was a line to check in.
there were four other women in front of us waiting to be induced.
come to find out later, there were ten other women being induced that day.
seems like no one wanted to be at the hospital on christmas.

somehow, we managed to be the second ones called back to our room.
i'd like to think that our distance from the hospital had some play in that decision.
we got back to our room at 7:10am.
the nurse got me all hooked up to my iv and then my doctor came in to check me and broke my water around 7:30am.
i started out at 1 1/2 cm and 75% effaced.
my doctor told my nurse that i could have an epidural whenever i wanted it (gotta love that epidural!), so we went ahead and got all the paperwork signed so that when i wanted it, i didn't have to wait around.

sometime in the 11:00 hour, my contractions started to get painful, so i had the nurse call the anesthesiologist to come give me the epidural before they got any worse.
my doctor checked me before they did the epidural and i was only 3cm and 80% effaced.
i started thinking that there was no way that i was going to have a baby anytime soon because i'd barely progressed any.

after i got the epidural i.was.in.heaven!
that was THE best epidural EVER!
i got an epidural with b, but i was in alot of pain so i never felt the needle.
no one told me that that needle can really hurt!
i barely felt any contractions at all the rest of the time.
aaannd some of you are going to hate me for this, but i pretty much slept through labor.

around 1:00pm, my nurse checked me again and i was only 4cm and 90%.
the doctor came back in around 2:00pm and i was at a 7 and 100% effaced.
my doctor was just going into a c-section after he checked me, so he told the nurse that if i was complete before he was back, to just let me sit around until he was back.
i wasn't allowed to practice push because with b i only pushed for 8 minutes.

literally 5 minutes after my doctor left to go to his c-section, i started feeling pressure so the nurse checked and i was complete.
we waited about a half hour for my doctor to get back and get prepped and within 3 contractions m made her entrance with her full head of hair!

sidenote:  how did b get so gipped(sp?) on the hair?
poor girl!
m has more hair right by her ears than b does.
yeah b can't grow hair by her ears apparently.
at this hospital, they put her right on my belly (something they didn't do in with b) and i got to have her there for about 15 minutes before they cleaned her up a bit for us. 

first family photo

look at all that hair!

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