15 July 2009

my crazy child

b never ceases to amaze me.
it's crazy to me how much she seems to comprehend lately.
a couple weeks ago she was so tired so i put my arms out like i usually do to pick her up and take her to her crip for a nap.
she instead started running to her room and tried to climb into her crib by herself.
 igot the hint loud and clear!

yesterday, i said to her as she was running away from me, "do you want to go for a walk with daddy?"
she didn't stop running, turned around and ran back to the door.
i have no doubt that she knows the meaning of the word "go."

she's also recently found out that gum tastes good.
whenever she can get her hands on it, it goes right into her mouth, wrapper and all.
i think that i have the gum put up where she can't find it and she still finds it.
i'm not sure how many pieces she's actually swallowed.

she also found out that mascara doesn't go just on mommy.
we were over at grandma and grandpa's house while d & s were here and one of these two partners in crime found aunt shanny's mascara and then proceeded to paint themselves and then the other.
i'll let you decide who opened the mascara.
i personally think it was the two year old.
luckily the mascara came right off because we found them before it dried.

cute aren't they?


  1. Yes! way to cute! I haven't seen Suzy since before christmas, she is so big now! Looks like you have fun little sweetie. Have you found out what you are having yet?

  2. She's learning young to wear make-up! I saw your Dad and Mom this past weekend!

  3. hey...at least it was in the general area where it goes! a little more practice should do it. lol

  4. You really shouldnt beat your child then blame it on the mascara.


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