since christmas was with the m family this year, we had christmas with the k family tonight.
b got to help grandma decorate her christmas tree.
the k grandkids. poor j is the only boy.
how this girl manages to pull off being cute still even with all the clashing colors is beyond me.
this was probably my favorite part of the night.
grandma and grandpa n (my mil's parents) moved out here a few months ago.
grandpa n has had a few strokes, so he (basically) is just like a kid.
all day on christmas, he kept asking when his christmas was going to be.
poor guy had to wait a couple days for santa to arrive at his house.
but i would say it was worth it for him.
just look at that face.
Hi Kara, I noticed your comment on Tricia's blog and I thought, hey I know her. Any way thought I would say hi, your girls are beyond CUTE!!! Your oldest looks alot like you. cute, cute family!