26 December 2011

christmas 2011

this year, we changed christmas a little bit.
we decided that we were going to be home since the girls were a little bigger and we didn't want to pack up christmas.
so, the week before christmas, the m family all got to spend a couple days together at the cabin.
we had a blast and always enjoy seeing grandma, grandpa, uncles, aunts, and cousins.
and i didn't get any pictures while we were up there.  bummer.

we got back home on christmas eve.
just in time to open the traditional christmas eve gift - jammies from grandma m.

b is thrilled with her jammies.
can you tell?

and i couldn't get either one of them to cooperate.
they were *way* too excited to have santa coming to their house.

we wrote a letter to santa and scribbled a little bit on it.
we left him some cookies and milk and the girls went off to bed.

the next morning, we awoke to see that santa had indeed found our house.
and he had helped himself to the cookies and milk.

we opened presents.

and santa brought b the doll that she informed me that santa was going to bring her - after santa had already done all his christmas shopping.
good thing he still pulled through.

after we opened presents, we got ready to go to church.
it was the perfect way to spend christmas - remembering the true reason for the season.

after church, we headed up to grammy and poppers to have christmas dinner and the cousins' gift exchange.

overall we had a good christmas.
the girls are already asking about next year.
i think it's going to be a long year.


  1. That little kitchen is SO cute! Where did you guys find that? Your girls are so stinkin cute..and they look so much alike it's crAzy! Miss your cute fam and running in to you at Wal-mart!

  2. thanks amanda! i got it at target - and for a reasonable price!

    i miss those walmart nights too:) you guys should come back!


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