22 August 2008

twin falls idaho temple open house

we had the opportunity to go to the twin falls idaho temple open house on the way to visit my parents.
it was such an amazing experience. the mr. has never been to an open house, and the last one i was at was the bountiful utah open house and that was years ago.
the members of the stakes in surrounding areas, including my parents stake, got to participate in the open house.
i heard of some wonderful stories of people who came to visit from all over the world.

the dedication is taking place this weekend.
i wish that i lived close enough to participate.
my parents are lucky enough to be able to attend one of the dedication sessions in the temple.

it is such a beautiful building.
it is a wonderful thing to know that it is the House of the Lord.
i am so grateful for the blessings of the temple and the knowledge that i am sealed to my family and will be with them in the eternities!

if anyone is interested in learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please feel free to visit this website:


  1. That is awesome you got to attend the open house. I wish we could have. I love all the pics below! Your baby is so dang cute!

  2. Wow! That is beautiful. it looks very similar to Rexburg Temple, I wonder if it has a similar layout? I just have to tell you that Briana's eyes are beautiful!

  3. Wow she is getting so big I just love her big eyes she is a doll. Wasn't the temple Great it was funny because bountiful was the last one I got to go to that made me laugh!

  4. That is so neat you got to go to the open house! I have not been to one for over 10 years... Your daughter is getting so cute!!


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