04 January 2012


January 2011

m started the week out monday evening being sick.
she just threw up once, then was fine.

fast forward to this morning.

the mr. and b were supposed to go fishing this morning.
everything was ready for them to go - until about 5 am.
the mr. and i both woke up at the same time.
sick.  of course.

the mr. was bound and determined that he was still going fishing.
until it was time to go and he was still sick.

you know the only thing worse than being sick?
being sick with your spouse and still having kids to take care of.

the good news is that b is a huge help and they mostly just played in their room all day.
tender mercy i tell you.
and after about 12 hours, we're both starting to feel better.

except that now b is sick too.
at least we all got it out of the way, right?

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