the mr. and j got to go hunting a couple of weeks ago.
the first day they went out, they saw a couple deer.
one was a little 2x2 and the other was a little bigger.
they did rock, paper, scissors (or something along that nature) to decide who got the bigger one.
j won, but they didn't have a shot at the bigger one, so the mr. went ahead and took the little one.
the mr. brought it home and told b, so they went out to take a look at the deer.
she loved seeing it!
the next day, they went hunting again to see if j could get the other one.
they didn't find it...they found one better.
b wanted to go check out j's deer and was even excited to pose with it!
yes, i know.
what 2 year old likes to stand next to a dead deer?
the mr.'s daughter apparently.
(i'm sure that she didn't get that from me.
i'm not sure what kind of girl we're raising.
some days she loves to go ride on the tractor with daddy.
some days she freaks out if her hands are dirty.)
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