23 October 2010

ferberizing, pt. 2

remember THIS post?

well, it was that time again.

only the situation was worse this time.

not only would m not go to sleep at night by herself, she would not self soothe in the middle of the night either.
she was waking up about once a night.
not a huge deal.
at first i brought her to bed, nursed her back to sleep, and then would take her back to her crib.

and now here is where i have to admit that i did some major accidental parenting.

once a night turned into three or four times a night and she'd automatically wake up when she touched her crib mattress, so she was now sleeping in bed with us because i was too lazy to break that habit.

and in the middle of all of this, then she learned how to pull herself up on the side of her crib, so not only would she cry in the middle of the night and not go back to sleep, she'd stand up and cry and not go back to sleep. 

note to future self:  i don't care HOW tired you are in the middle of the night.
do not nurse your baby in bed.
get your lazy body out of bed and take the baby back to the crib!!
if you don't it turns into co-sleeping.
you don't like to co-sleep because then you don't sleep and then you're grumpy the next day.
also, don't wait to do sleep training until they can stand up in their crib.
not cool.
i'm pretty sure they can cry louder when they are standing up.
or maybe it's because they're closer to the baby monitor.
either way....not cool.

anyway,  i put m to bed monday night, asleep.

she woke up 1/2 hour later.

the mr. (bless his heart) decided that enough was enough (even though he usually slept through all of this) and decided it was time.
she finally fell asleep after 45 minutes around 10:15.

she didn't wake up until 4:20.

yes, 4:20.

you see, usually by 4:20, i've been out of bed and attempted to put her back in her crib at least twice.

really wanted to take her back to bed with me and nurse her back to sleep, but decided that we were breaking all bad habits.
so i nursed her in her room, put her back in her crib (she was awake) and left.

she cried.

but only for 2 minutes. 

i can handle 2 minutes!

and i didn't hear another peep out of her until i woke her up tuesday morning.

tuesday evening...she only cried for about 3 minutes.

and ever since...usually less than 5 minutes of crying.


say hello to a happier, less sleepy wife and mom.


  1. Oh I cannot tell you how glad I am for you! Only because Hannah was doing some what of the same thing. Waking up more and more throughout the night. I'm glad you are able to get a good solid nights rest!

  2. Peyton is STILL waking up. I hate it. Her room is right next to ours so we don't even need a monitor but yes, I think they do cry louder and longer standing up. I have been trying to ween(spelling) her FOREVER it seems because of this middle night feeding. I will just have to break down and let her cry it out even longer. Good job by the way!


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