23 February 2012

back to the beginning

we're going back to where it all began for the mr. and i.
if you know where that was, then yep, you guessed it.
back to rexburg.
why rexburg you ask?
because the mr. is going back to school.
and yes, i'm slightly nervous, scared & excited all at once.

nervous because we're not 21 anymore.
scared because we've got a family to provide for at the same time.
excited for the new adventure this will be.
and excited because the mr. will finally (when all is said and done) be doing something he loves.

and i'm kinda excited we'll be back there for the 8 year anniversary of our first date.
big jud's and riot zone anyone?


  1. Awww, wish I was coming! Except I have been enjoying 75 degree weather for the last 5 months, so maybe not really. But great memories! Have a blast!

  2. We wish you all the best! And we will come visit! When do you guys head over there?


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