30 January 2012

January 2011

we went into town today for a doctor's apointment and then to grab some groceries.
we met up with the mr. between his appointments to grab some lunch.

he left to go to his other appointment and the girls and i finished up.
as i was cleaning up, the girls got down and started playing - no big deal.
then m started getting farther away.
and b, trying to be helpful, went after her.  that only makes m go farther though.
she wouldn't listen, and was almost out the door, so i had to run and grab her.
i came back to where our stuff was and made her put her nose on the wall right there in public.
i really hate punishing my children in public because of what it seems that most other parents seem to think anymore.
you know, the stares that you get (maybe its just me that gets these) of "i can't believe you're punishing your child like that" or "i can't believe you're punishing your child at all."
however, when the safety of my girls is at hand, i feel that's a time when i shouldn't put off teaching them what they did wrong.  if i try to recreate the situation later, it won't be as effective (if at all).

there was this sweet old lady that was sitting in the booth next to us that made my day though.
after i got m to put her nose on the wall, she looked at me and said, "good job mom."
some days, i just need that - someone else to reinforce that i am, indeed, being a good mommy to my babies.

even though some days, i really don't feel like i'm making any progress with them.

1 comment:

  1. so with you there! But yes, little by little things get easier. Just remember to keep track. We do the nose on the wall too. Way to go!


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