14 December 2011


December 14, 2011

well, it's official.
m had her first shiner.
and it was all my fault.

let me back up a little.
we were at grammy and popper's last week.  we stopped in to say hi and ended up playing a game of mexi.can train with them.
*sidenote:  that game is fun!  i highly recommend you learn how to play*
as we were leaving and getting in the car, i wasn't paying attention to what i was doing and underestimated the amount of space i needed for the car door to open without hitting her.
yep, i nailed her with the corner of the car door.
at first, i thought i made a goose-egg on the back of her head.
then upon further examination (in the light) i realized i just missed her eye instead:
you can kind of see it was already starting to bruise.

and here it is a week later:
still a little yellow, and definitely not the worst of it.
perhaps next time i should watch what i'm doing?

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