November 5, 2011
the mr. has been hunting for the last few days.
the mr. has been hunting for the last few days.
they were actually pretty good for me, until our very last store.
you know how when you've got ahold of their hands walking and they just drop their feet out from under them?
m decided to do that as we're crossing the parking lot.
since i had b on the other hand, i just lifted m up by her hand to hold her.
she started crying, which i assumed at the time was just because i picked her up and wouldn't let her walk.
well she kept crying as we were in the store.
then i realized that she wouldnt move her arm.
so we finished up in the store (as she's bawling - people probably thought i was a horrible mom) and went out to the car where i called my sister (she's a nurse) to see if it was possible to dislocate an elbow.
she wasn't sure, but said i probably needed to take her to see a doctor. since it was 7:00 at night, the only place open is the e.r. i didn't really want to spend my time there, so out of desperation, i made a phone call to our family doctor who asked a few questions and decided it was something that probably didn't need x-rays, so he should be able to fix it. he was gracious enough to let us crash the bsu party they had going on at his house to take a look.
thankfully, since it was just the elbow, (called nursemaid's elbow) there wasn't any need for x-rays and he just popped it back into place - and then showed me how to do it myself if it ever happened again. i guess it's pretty common in children.
that made me feel better.
well that, and the fact that he told me about the time he was playing with his daughter and did the same thing.
and i may or may not have freaked the mr. out with my texts to him.
the ones he didn't get until about half hour ago.
and the ones he skimmed and didn't read completely - i did send him a text that everything was okay.
he just didn't read that until after he was already practically running to the pickup to drive the 3 hours home.
so we finished up in the store (as she's bawling - people probably thought i was a horrible mom) and went out to the car where i called my sister (she's a nurse) to see if it was possible to dislocate an elbow.
she wasn't sure, but said i probably needed to take her to see a doctor. since it was 7:00 at night, the only place open is the e.r. i didn't really want to spend my time there, so out of desperation, i made a phone call to our family doctor who asked a few questions and decided it was something that probably didn't need x-rays, so he should be able to fix it. he was gracious enough to let us crash the bsu party they had going on at his house to take a look.
thankfully, since it was just the elbow, (called nursemaid's elbow) there wasn't any need for x-rays and he just popped it back into place - and then showed me how to do it myself if it ever happened again. i guess it's pretty common in children.
that made me feel better.
well that, and the fact that he told me about the time he was playing with his daughter and did the same thing.
and i may or may not have freaked the mr. out with my texts to him.
the ones he didn't get until about half hour ago.
and the ones he skimmed and didn't read completely - i did send him a text that everything was okay.
he just didn't read that until after he was already practically running to the pickup to drive the 3 hours home.
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