15 October 2011

and my luck hasn't changed...

October 15, 2011

so after my battery experience this week, i've been having trouble with my brakes too.
when i took the car in to have the battery replaced, i had them take a look at my brakes because they were making awful noises and it wasn't the brake pads.

i scheduled for wednesday to have them fix them - they just needed to turn the rotors.
no big deal, right?

well after my appointment on wednesday, i hadn't made it more than 2 miles when it was clear that the problem wasn't solved.
so the mr. called them back and explained it was still doing the same thing as it had been, and made another appointment for today.

lets just say the stars didn't line up together for me and we spent another 3 hours at les schwab today (on a job that was only supposed to take about another hour to fix.)

so we got bored and walked down to a&w to enjoy ice cream while they fixed the car.
(and yes, they did finally fix it.  hallelujah!)

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