07 July 2010

k/m family reunion 2010

the k and m clans have an annual family reunion the weekend before the 4th of july.
this year, they had it at sublett reservoir in southeastern idaho.

boy, did it feel good to be back in my neck of the woods.

i don't think i took any pictures this whole weekend.
in fact, i know i didn't.
the pictures i have are courtesy of the mr., the sister-in-law, and the aunt.
if you want a funny story, head on over to the sister-in-law's post about their adventure trying to find the reunion here.

and all i have to say about that is that if my dear mother-in-law had listened to her dear son (the mr.) when she called him at 11:00 at night, none of that would have happened.
and had she listened to my dear sister-in-law, most of that wouldn't have happened.
it makes for a funny story though :)
 (love you rene'!)

first night we got there...b ran around with no shoes on.
that must have been heaven for her.
on Saturday, we ventured out to the city of rocks
i lived an hour from this place for 17 years and this was the first time i'd been there!
it was gorgeous.

b and g.
she sure loves him.

she's such a ham!

love this picture...it says it all on how much he loves his little girls!

yhis was the best picture i could get of this, but m was kicking her legs sitting here.
it was too cute.

the mr. took b fishing (which she loved) and everytime she sees his fishing pole now she tells me "i'm going fishing, mom."

on our way home, i made the mr. take the scenic route up mt. harrison to see pomerelle.
we would have gone up farther, but the look-out was closed still because if the snow.

and then we stopped to have a good ol' burger's etc. lunch.
can't beat that.

thanks for the fun guys! we can't wait to see where we're headed next year!


  1. I have never been to the City of Rocks either...who would've thought! Glad you had fun with all the family! Hope you are doing well!

  2. Enjoyed your post =) That story is starting to be a little bit funny to me now....2 months later haha. We swore we would never drive anywhere with her again. Well, guess who drove us to idaho falls last month for our race? You bet we got lost again lol, however, this time it was only a 20 minute detour.

  3. Fun! I am impressed you took two small kids camping!!


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